When David Levesque took over as principal of New Hampshire's Franklin High School last year, he made a promise to students: "I'm going to make this the best high school in the state of New Hampshire," he tells the Union Leader.
And it looks like he's keeping his word.
The school's attendance is up, disciplinary referrals are down, and the number of students enrolling in early college programs is on the rise, the New Hampshire Union Leader reports.
"It's happening in a district historically strapped for workforce and money, but with desire to do whatever it takes to succeed," Levesque says.
Among the changes: The school has acquired 3D printers, laser printers, and computerized color printing, and it's been a hub for students to create art, design, and posters for the school's elementary, middle, and high schools, the Union Leader reports.
The school also bought two vans to transport students to classes at a community college in Laconia, where they can commute on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Union Leader reports.
Students are also skipping classes to participate in after-school activities, such as weightlifting lessons and gender-specific classes, the Union Leader reports.
"Right now, they're skipping classes to
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